AWS EFS – Elastic File System

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AWS EFS – Elastic File System

AWS offers a flexible cloud storage service (EFS – Elastic File System) with a network approach – Network File System (NFS). The great advantage of this approach is the ability to automatically increase or decrease required storage volumes, eliminating manual adjustments that were previously required.

EFS is faster than S3 storage, not server-dependent, and available on the enterprise network even when servers are deleted.

The flexible EFS storage service provides immediate access to all the organization’s workers by way of the NFS protocol, in accordance with authorizations. Moreover, files can be made available simultaneously to users in multiple geographic areas.

The solution offers a friendly management interface that enables the creation and modification of File-Systems quickly and simply without the need to manage the storage hardware and software (that are managed by AWS as a service).

The payment for the service is based only on the actual volume consumed, and there are no minimum charges or payments for solution settings.

EFS storage supports “identities” and permissions mechanisms.

Data security

The solution’s information encryption offers compliance with the most stringent security requirements, including:

Support for information when it passes over the corporate network in an encrypted cloud.

Support for encryption of stored data.

Popular uses

  • An enterprise file server (file sharing) can be connected simultaneously to thousands of EC2 servers, or to physical servers in the client’s offices.
  • Storage of enterprise applications.
  • Development environment and development tools.
  • Preserving rich content such as video.
  • Container storage.
  • Database backup destination.
  • Big Data applications.

The EFS family of solutions provides several types of storage suited to customer requirements.

  • EFS Standard – Used for frequent access to documents at a high availability level.
  • EFS Standard-Infrequent Access (IA) – Saves high-security files for long periods of time when the files are rarely read.
  • EFS One zone – For frequently read files that do not require geo-level protection.
  • EFS One Zone – IA long-term retention of files that are not commonly read and do not require geographical protection.